Official Universal Postal Union stamp

Earlier this month the Swiss Post issued a new stamp for use by the Universal Postal Union.
The new stamp, which bears the organization's slogan, "Reaching everyone every- where", highlights the UPU's commitment to the universal postal service.
In the words of Edouard Dayan, the UPU's Director General, "Our main mission is to stimulate the development of permanent, high-quality, efficient postal services that are accessible to everyone, everywhere within a single postal territory.
As a specialized agency of the United Nations, the UPU does not have the status of a postal administration so it cannot produce or sell postage stamps bearing its name. The UPU has 190 member countries.
According to a UPU press release, this is the 20th official stamp issued by Switzerland for the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union which is headquartered in Berne, Switzerland.
For more on the Universal Postal Union, click here.

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