"Marilyn Monroe has a stamp, so why not Marilyn Manson, huh? If James Dean, tragic 50's teen idol, can have his own stamp, why doesn't Jimmy Dean, sausage maker extraordinaire, get one? It makes no sense, we need better stamp designers, to right these wrongs, and equalize these inequities. "
So say the folks at Worth1000.com who from time to time sponsor "Going Postal" stamp design contests.
Among the proposed commemoratives; Chuck Norris, Laurel and Hardy, Carrot Top, Frank Perdue, Simon and Garfunkel, Nicole and Paris Hilton, Google, Katie Couric, Alfred E. Neuman, and, as shown on the left, the stars of Desperate Housewives.
Done by professional graphic artists using Photoshop, the designs are actually quite good, even if some of the other subjects (Saddam Hussein, Son of Sam, etc) are not. Comments are invited for each of the designs.
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