Thursday, October 09, 2014

Stamp Chief Replaced

Bill McAllister, Washington correspondent for Linn's Stamp News that "Susan McGowan, a public relations executive who was named head of the United States Postal Service’s stamp program in December 2012, has been replaced..."

According to Bill, "Spokesman Mark Saunders said McGowan was 'not ousted' from her stamp position, but had been detailed to another position in the marketing department. Cindy Tackett, a senior Stamp Services executive, was named McGowan’s interim replacement, Saunders said."

Bill goes on to pen, "There has been considerable turmoil within the Stamp Services office, which controls the stamp program, according to several current and former postal employees.The office also has come under fire from stamp collectors, especially first-day cover collectors, for the slow release of information about upcoming new stamp issues."

Shown above,  Susan McGowan.

To read the entire column, click here.

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posted by Don Schilling at 9:40 AM

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