Saturday, September 01, 2007

US Post Office index available

On his Web site, postal historian and cover dealer, Jim Forte publishes a list of all the post offices that are have ever operated in the United States .

According to Forte, "Most of the information is available some place. There are dozens of books recording the data for each state. There are some books which accumulate the data for several states. There is a fairly good list available of all the operating post offices. "

"My goal here is to present the best available list for the entire country. I currently have over 187,000 listings. This is still far from complete. A far better representation of both Alabama and Georgia are now online. Most of Illinois after 1930 has not been fully researched. The quality of the Virginia listings is below par. Only a small percentage of stations and branches are listed. Many offices are listed with a / meaning that the office had multiple opening and closings. These need to be expanded. And of course there are the usual errors like spelling and county attribution which cannot be avoided in a list like this."

If you know of an office that is not listed, he'd like to know about it.

Shown above is the postal service running pony logo used before 1970. It was not inspired by the Pony Express as many believe.

Click here to access the list.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM
