Saturday, November 10, 2007

Santa's Post Office

According to Canada Post, the North Pole post office has been named the Guinness World Records holder for the most letters received and replied to by mail.

For 26 years now, Canada Post has officially helped Santa respond to more than 15 million letters from children. Santa has received more than one million letters each year for the past six years, and the company (or Santa!) doesn't expect this year to be any different. Even Santa's computer is kept busy this time of year as many children (more than 44,000 last year) write to Santa through his website at
More than 11,000 current and retired Canada Post employees, affectionately called Postal Elves, help Santa to ensure that every child's letter gets an answer in the language in which the letter was written, including Braille.
Santa reminds all his young friends that it is very important to include a complete return address, so that Canada Post can deliver his reply.
Children can send their letters to Santa at:
Shown above (for all our numismatic friends and colleagues) is a Canadian Santa quarter which was released in 2004 as part of a holiday gift pack.

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM