A Born Again Stamp Collector

On his blog, he writes, "I used to spend hour after hour pouring over stamps from all over the world learning things about many countries that no longer even exist. After a couple of days of re-kindling a bit of my past from long ago — I was hooked!"
"Now I take small sections of my collection to work on in hotel rooms, ferries, I’d work on it on airplanes if those darn seats weren’t so small. Yes, my wife Moira has now become a stamp widow. But it really does give me something to relax and unwind with at the end of the day instead of turning on the TV."
"Now I’m on a quest to add to my collection. If anyone has out there has a dusty old stamp album that want to get rid of, drop me a line at mkm@michael-mitchell.ca. We’ll work out a deal."
To visit Michael's website, click here.

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