Saturday, January 03, 2009

Finnish Youngsters Show Feelings at Postal Museum

Franz Groter of reports the Finnish Postal Museum is arranging an interactive exhibition experience for children starting Jan. 14 through Mar. 22, 2009 called "We Share The Emotion."

According to Franz, "The exhibition, which explores four basic emotions: happiness, anger, fear and joy, strives to convey the idea of how important it is to share one's emotions with others, and to display emotions, too. Another objective is to provoke discussion and debate both at school, in daycare centres and homes."

He goes on to write, "Children can communicate their feelings at the children's post office by drawing and writing postcards and sending them on. Furthermore, children can sort mail and spin the roulette of emotions. The exhibition reminds visitors that mail carriers not only deliver mail but act as messengers of deep feelings."

Shown above, a set of six puzzles showing children's emotions which are made by Willis Toys in the UK. The puzzles help children talk about their feelings and would actually make a great set of stamps.

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM