Little Pieces of Art and History

In an article about the annual Brantford Stamp Show, show chairman Dan Coates is quoted as saying stamps are little pieces of art and history.
Reporter Heather Ibbotson writes, "Used stamps have always fascinated Coates, who said he enjoys the flights of fancy created by examining stamps from far off places."
Dan looks at them and says, "I wonder where this stamp has been," according to Ibbotson.
Club president Bob Anderson is also quoted.
"You always learn something, no matter what you collect," he said. "It's an interesting hobby that grows."
On its Web site, the Brantford Stamp Club, which began in 1938, lists the following objectives.
• To promote the hobby of philately
• To assist members in increasing their collections through sales, auctions, dealer contacts
• To promote common interests
• To encourage members to show their collections at shows and exhibitions
Shown above, the club's promotion piece for its show held Jan. 10.
To read the entire article, click here.

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