Zumbox - The Alternative Postal System

He says a new company called Zumbox wants to change that.
According to the company's Web site, using Zumbox as simple as 1, 2, 3.
- Type in your street address on the home page to view your mail
- See your mail as envelopes on your computer screen (as shwon above)
- Click an envelope to view your mail exactly as you would expect to see it on paper.
Zumbox delivers mail electronically based on the same street addresses as the traditional physical postal systems and enables consumers to easily access their mail from anywhere at anytime via the Internet, with no need for an intermediary to sort, scan or forward paper mail.
Charging 2-cents to send letters, postcards, bills, and junk mail; the company is temporarily offering free delivery for all qualified businesses, governments, non-profits and other organizations sending standard regular mail.
I think I've seen the future.
To read more, click here.

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