Vancouver - Mail Theft Capital of Canada

According to an article posted on the Website,"At one point, Vancouver-area police were facing as many as 20 to 30 break-ins of mail boxes a week. Over the course of one year alone, Canada Post had more than 1,000 reported cases of mail theft in the Vancouver area."
It goes on to say, "With mail theft and identity fraud becoming more sophisticated, serious questions have been raised about Canada Post's ability to protect the mail. After 10 years of warnings, Canada Post has only recently undertaken to change the old locks on its mailboxes -- a process they admit will take years to complete.
"And when it comes to a comparison with the United States, Canada Post also lacks the broad range of enforcement capabilities available to the U.S. Postal Service. U.S. Postal Inspectors are sworn federal officers who aggressively police any crimes involving the post, with full powers to lay charges and make arrests."
"But while mail and identity thieves are bilking Canadians out of millions of dollars, Canada Post's inspectors are limited to making citizen's arrests. They turn to outside police forces for help with investigations and to lay charges," according to the report.
To read the entire article, click here.

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