Postal Worker Scores a Role in "The Fighter"
According the article, "Around May 2004 or 2005, Driscoll said Boston Casting called him in for an audition at Arthur Ramalho's West End Gym in Lowell, his old stomping grounds. When he asked for his lines, they told him to make something up and he did. When his wife Joanne Muolo asked him how it went, he said it was terrible. But they called him back. He walked into the gym and found his name on the board and had to do another impromptu audition."
A few months later, Boston Casting called him at home and told him he got the part of a court officer in “The Fighter.” Apparently, director David Russell had just pulled his photo out of a pile.
In his role in the film, Driscoll brings in Christian Bale who tries to stop and talk to his brother. But Driscoll hurries him along with a brusque, “Let’s go, Dicky.”
Shown above, Walter Driscoll with customer.
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