Sunday, December 08, 2013

Stamp Map of the United States

Reporter Kevin Warwick writes on the Chicago Reader website about a map of the United States made out of stamps.

The map belongs to Daniel Orkin who inherited the map from his great-aunt.

According to Warwick, "... the map, nearly four-by-five-feet in size, is rumored to have won a blue ribbon at the Minnesota State Fair in 1954. And not only is it incredible in its craftsmanship, each stamp represents the state in which it appears. For instance, Wyoming is cut solely from Devils Tower stamps." 

Orkin is quoted as saying the map is often mistaken from afar as a print. However, once they get close to it, they can see the depth and color, much of which hasn't faded.

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:00 AM

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