Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Louisville post offices sponsor flag retirement event

USPS Links reports that Louisville, KY, letter carriers noticed quite a few worn and tattered American flags along their routes. Apparently they had been purchased around the time of 9/11 and had not been replaced.

So, Customer Service Manager Richard Curtsinger contacted the local AmVets chapter and arranged a flag retirement ceremony.

To publicize the ceremony, a post card was printed and mailed to 30,000 Louisville businesses. It suggested that customers purchase new flags and bring the old ones to any post office in Louisville for retirement.

More than 300 flags were collected and retired. In accordance with the U.S. Flag Code adopted by Congress in 1942, the flags were properly folded and burned respectfully by members of AmVets and the local Fire Department. Many veterans were in attendance and Curtsinger says the event was so successful, it will be held again.

For more information on flag retirement ceremonies check with your local veterans organization (AmVets, VFW, American Legion) or the National Flag Foundation.
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posted by Don Schilling at 7:25 AM