Tuesday, August 23, 2005

TimesUnion.com reports that, "Neither rain nor sleet nor snow keeps Butch Gonyea from his appointed rounds. He does have to dodge the occasional water skier, though."

According to the on-line article, for the past 32 years Gonyea has been a waterborne postman. He's one of a handful of private contractors in New York and other states who deliver mail by boat.

Philatelically speaking, boat mail is referred to as "paquebot," which is French for "packet boat."

His route, which takes about two hours, consists of about 40 "camps,'' which are actually elaborate summer homes, along Lake Placid. Some are on islands while others along the shore are reachable only by boat or footpath.

Click here to read the entire article.

For more on 'paquebots, ' click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

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