Monday, June 04, 2007

The Wreck & Crash Mail Society

The Wreck & Crash Mail Society is devoted to the collecting and study of all aspects of delayed and/or damaged mail and interrupted mail services.

Currently the Society is composed of four study groups:

  • The Air Crash Study Group

  • The Railroad Wreck Study Group

  • The Ship Wreck Study Group
  • The Suspended Mail/Conflicts Study Group

The Society publishes a quarterly journal "La Catastrophe", which contains articles on all aspects of wreck and crash mail, as well as news on new cover discoveries, auction realizations on wreck and crash mail, and questions from members who are seeking information on their crash and wreck covers and the stories behind them.

The Wreck & Crash Mail Society normally holds an annual meeting where members display parts of their collection, meet other collectors of wreck and crash mail, and exchange information and material with fellow members.

For more information and a membership application, e-mail

Shown above is one of earliest crash covers known to exist. It was carried by a balloon out of Paris during the Siege of Paris 1870-71. The Parisians were able to get mail out of the besieged city by building balloons and flying them out over the heads of the Prussian army.

Some of the balloons crashed and often the mail was recovered.

For more examples of crash covers, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM