Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Candidate provides stamps to voters

A "brouhaha" has reportedly erupted in the race for a Florida state House seat after one of the candidates mailed postage stamps to voters according to United Press International.

The Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel reported Friday that Democratic Party officials are accusing Republican candidate Sean Campbell of violating a state election law by mailing stamps to voters. Campbell reportedly urged voters to use the free stamps to mail in their absentee ballots for Tuesday's election.

Mailing stamps "is in no way a violation," said Katie Gordon, press secretary for the Republican Party of Florida. She pointed to a state law that indicates that providing "an item of nominal value which is used as a political advertisement" is allowed.

"We think a 41-cent postage stamp is of nominal value, and it was attached to a political ad and therefore is exempt," she said.

Steve Schale, a spokesman for the Florida Democratic Party, disagreed.

"How is this different from walking door-to-door and giving people two quarters to vote for you?" Schale was quoted as saying. "Is that OK?"
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM