Friday, October 23, 2009

An Accidental Stamp Series reports USPS illustrator Nancy Stahl fondly remembers the first time she saw one of her designs — in a neighbor's garbage can.

Nancy is quoted in an article titled An Accidental Series as saying,"I hadn't seen it printed yet. And there it was, sitting in the trash on the corner of my block. It might have been dripping with mayonnaise and I still picked it up."

As a stamp artist, Nancy is best known for her illustrations of animals, starting with the Snowy Egret stamp in 2003. So far, she has produced six such stamps in what has become an "accidental" series.

Terry McCaffrey, manager of stamp development for the Postal Service is also quoted in the piece. He points out, "We kept going back to the well more and more, because everything she produced was just as good as the last one, if not better. All of a sudden, the collecting public defined the stamps as a series."

Shown above, Nancy's de facto wildlife series.

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM