Thursday, April 15, 2010

"On the Road" Revenues Course

Gretchen Moody, American Philatelic Society (APS) Director of Education, reports the APS is offering the "Collecting United States Revenues" course this summer.

It will be taught by Ron Lesher (shown here), July 14 - 15, prior to the Minnesota Stamp Expo.

Gretchen says, "The course is intended for the beginning collector of revenues, but there will be enough depth in the topics that collectors with some experience will learn something new."

The first day’s approach will be to give a broad overview of collecting revenues. The breadth of United States revenues, including federal, state, and local revenues, will be explored.

On the second day special attention will be given to ways of collecting revenues, e.g., plate blocks, precancels, perfins, and covers.

Ronald E. Lesher is a former government bureaucrat, retiring from the New Jersey Department of Education after more than twenty years of service.

According to Gretchen, "Having flunked retirement, he currently teaches physics and calculus at a small private secondary school. His philatelic collecting interests include U.S. revenue stamped paper and alcohol related federal and state tax stamps. He is a nationally and internationally accredited judge. His writings have been published in The American Philatelist, The American Revenuer, Scott Stamp Monthly, and the State Revenue News.

The cost of the course is $195 for APS members and $295 for non-members and will be held at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center, 3131 Campus Drive, Plymouth, Minnesota 55441.

Register online or by contacting Gretchen Moody, 814-933-3803. A $15 discount is available until June 23, 2010. The Minnesota Stamp Expo is July 16-18, 2010 at the Crystal Community Center.

Click here to learn about other “On the Road” courses at the APS website.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM