World’s First Undersea Post Office
According to Christer Brunstrom on the Philatelic Database website, while the post office itself was closed sometime in 1941, there is still today considerable interest in the Sea Floor covers which were mailed to collectors all over the world.
According to Christer, today these covers sell for prices ranging from $30 to as much as $200 on e Bay.
Christer also points out that in 1965, the Sea Floor post office and the man who created it, John Ernest Williamson, are depicted on a five-shilling definitive. Shown here is the $1 stamp of the same design which was was re-issued a year or so later when the Bahamas went to decimal currency.
Shown above, a 1940 cover cancelled at the undersea post office in the Bahamas.
For more on the undersea post office, click here.

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