Sunday, October 14, 2012

Postage Rates Going Up Again in 2013

Bob Holt writes on the website, "In an effort to stop its financial bleeding, the USPS has announced another increase in postal rates."

Beginning on January 27, 2013, "Forever" stamps will increase one penny in price to 46 cents, according to a Reuters report.

There will also be a new, global Forever stamp offered in January, which allows customers to send letters anywhere in the world for the set price of $1.10.

Postcards will increase in price to 33 cents, and according to, new prices for Priority Mail will be $5.80 for a small box, $12.35 for a medium, and $16.85 for a large. A large APO/FPO box will cost $14.85. A regular envelope will now be $5.60, a legal envelope $5.75, and a padded envelope is $5.95.

Holt says, "The good news? Confirmation of package delivery will now be free."
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM