2011 Europa Stamps

According to an entry on the PostEurop website, "The Europa issue (also known as Europa - CEPT until 1992) is an annual joint issue of stamps with a common design or theme by postal administrations member of the European Communities (1956-1959), the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT from 1960 to 1992), then the PostEurop Association since 1993."
The first Europa stamps were issued in 1956 . This year the new Europa logo featuring a grapic depiction of a mail recepticle will be incorporated into the designs.
PostEurop is the association which represents the interest of 48 European public postal operators. Committed to supporting and developing a sustainable and competitive European postal communication market accessible to all customers and ensuring a modern and affordable universal service, PostEurop promotes cooperation and innovation bringing added value to the European postal industry.
For more on PostEurop and the 2011 Europa stamps, click here.