Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Obama/Biden Inauguration Cover

On January 20, Barack Obama will become America's 44th president.

In observance of the inauguration, the Postal Service is offering a philatelic folio which includes a collectible stamped envelope with silk portraits of Barack Obama and Joseph Biden, and a digital color postmark dated Jan. 20, 2009.

The folio also includes photographs of the newly elected president and vice-president and biographical information, a brief history on inaugural tradition and the presidential oath of office.

The commemorative folio is $14.95. Pre-orders are now being accepted at and will be shipped starting Jan. 20, 2009. Official sales begin Jan. 20 at select Post Offices, or by calling 800-STAMP24.

To watch a video, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Old TV Shows Get Spot in 2009 Commemorative Program

The US Postal Service has released its 2009 stamp program.

Besides Oregon, Hawaii and Alaska Statehood; Abe Lincoln: Gary Cooper; Bob Hope; Gulf Coast Lighthouses; Civil Rights Pioneers; Edgar Allan Poe; State Flags: Supreme Copurt Justices; Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Wedding Cakes, the new issues will include Early TV Memories(shown above).

The 20 stamp set includes: Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet; Alfred Hitchcock Presents; Dinah Shore Show; Dragnet; Ed Sullivan Show; George Burns & Gracie Allen Show; Hopalong Cassidy; The Honeymooners; Howdy Doody; I Love Lucy; Kukla, Fran and Ollie; Lassie; The Lone Ranger; Perry Mason; Phil Silvers Show; Red Skelton; Texaco Star Theater; Tonight Show; Twilight Zone; and, You Bet Your Life.

To see pictures of all the new releases slated for 2009, click here.

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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Monday, December 29, 2008

Lincoln Stamps

Cheryl Ganz, chief curator of philately at the National Postal Museum is quoted in an article that appeared in the Louisville, KY, Courier-Journal as saying a certified plate proof of the four-cent 1958 Lincoln stamp (shown here) is really the work of two artists.

"First, there is the artist who designs the look of the stamp, using sources such as portraits or busts. Then there is the artist, or artists, at the Department of the Treasury's Bureau of Printing and Engraving," according to Cheryl.

Reporter James R. Carroll writes, "Lincoln first showed up on a stamp in 1865, the year he was assassinated at Ford's Theatre in Washington. It technically wasn't a postage stamp, but rather a revenue stamp required for newspapers to be shipped by mail."

The first Lincoln postage stamp followed the next year.

To read more about US stamps that feature the 16th President of the United States, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Sunday, December 28, 2008

USPS' Equipment Recovery Project

Alabama's Birmingham News reports, "The Postal Service has launched what is being called the 'Equipment Recovery Project' in an effort to reclaim its crates, trays and pallets."

"The Postal Service wants them back, and the agency is sending postal inspectors around to area businesses to collect," writes reporter Robert K. Gordon.

Gordon goes on to say, "Blame it on the recession. No one is immune, not even the USPS. Saddled with a $2.8 billion deficit, the agency has been forced to pinch pennies in an effort to save all the money it can."

Tony Robinson, a U.S. postal inspector in Birmingham,is quoted in the article as saying, "Last year the Postal Service spent $40 million on mail transportation equipment such as pallets. This year, we'll spend another $40 million."

Joseph Breckenridge, an Atlanta-based USPS spokesman, is also quoted as saying, "That is money we're not getting. We need to save every nickel, dime and dollar we can. We're trying to stave off eroded service and layoffs."

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Her Majesty's Stamps

The Ottawa Citizen reports the Canadian Postal Museum is opening a seven-month-long exhibition later this year titled Her Majesty's Stamps.

According to an article by reporter Paul Gessell, "The exhibition will include 400 of the Queen's prized stamps, including examples of the world's first-ever stamp, the so-called Penny Black of 1840, showing a young Queen Victoria."

Gessell goes on to write, "About three-quarters of the exhibition will be built around this exceedingly important stamp, a tiny scrap of paper that literally changed forever the way the world communicated. The design of the stamp came after a national competition in Britain."

"The exhibition is the fruit of years of negotiations and planning that began when Adrienne Clarkson was the governor general and, at the request of the postal museum curator Bianca Gendreau, wrote the Queen asking if her Canadian subjects could get a peek at the royal collection started in 1856 by two of Queen Victoria's sons, Alfred and Edward," pens Gessell.

Shown above, one of the items that will be exhibited - The Kirkcudbright cover, a first-day cover bearing ten of the world's first stamp, the Penny Black. They were mailed on May 6, 1840,the first day they was valid for postage.

While there are around 70 known first-day-of-issue Penny Black covers in existence, the ten-stamp cover is the only one with more than two stamps affixed to the envelope.

It is called the Kirkcudbright cover because of its destination.

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Friday, December 26, 2008

Young Philatelic Leaders Fellowship

This past summer The American Philatelic Society initiated the Young Philatelic Leaders Fellowship (YPLF).

The newly formed group encourages the development of the next generation of stamp collectors, writers, exhibitors and dealers.

According to an APS press release, "For years, many of the brightest and most energetic young collectors have found that, while they are welcomed into philately and encouraged to begin, there is no ready way for them to enter into and learn on a long-term basis from the world of organized philately — very much an adult world, and one that can appear cold, unreceptive, and intimidating to young people."

It goes on to say, "YPLF exists to break down that wall — to enable young people who already have shown a sustained interest in stamp collecting to have an enriching and dynamic experience with a specific aspect of the stamp hobby, selected by them in partnership with a series of adult mentors."

YPLF has two age groups: Junior Fellows, ages 13 through 17, and Senior Fellows, ages 18 through 25. Junior Fellows participate in the Fellowship for one year, and Senior Fellows participate for two years. Junior and Senior Fellows, after an introduction to the program, will choose one of three tracks on which to focus: a Dealer Track, an Exhibitor Track, or an Author Track.

The APS invites all stamp collectors to join in this effort by supporting it with their time, treasure and talents.

Beginning January 1st, applications for Young Philatelic Leadership Fellows will be accepted until the deadline of March 31, 2009.

Click here to see how you can get involved and make a difference in the future of the hobby.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Here's wishing you and yours a very merry philatelic Christmas!
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Artist Loses Lawsuit Over Korean War Veterans Memorial Stamp

Michael Doyle of McClatchy Newspapers has an interesting post on his website, Suits and Sentences, about an artist who tried to sue the U.S. Postal Service over the 2003 Korean War Veterans Memorial stamp.

According to the post, Vermont artist Frank C. Gaylord, a former World War II Army paratrooper, spent 5 years sculpting the 19 stainless steel soldiers for the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.

When the Postal Service issued a stamp using a photograph taken by another individual of his work, Gaylord sued and demanded 10 percent of the revenues from sales of the stamps. The photographer was paid $1500, Gaylord nothing.

On Dec. 22, the U.S. Court of Federal Claims ruled against Gaylord and in favor of the Postal Service.

According to the post, "The court concluded that the stamp was itself a 'transformative' work in which the photographer who took the picture of "The Column" in essence created a new work. Moreover, the judge determined the stamp is unlikely to financially harm Gaylord's ability to profit from his enduring copyright."

To read the entire post, click here.

To read the Court's opinion, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Philatelic Libraries Celebrate Anniversaries

Round-Up reader Larry T. Nix reports the Special Libraries Association will be celebrating its centennial in 2009.

Larry says, "One of the most unusual types of special libraries is the philatelic library. Philatelic libraries, which are few in number, range from small volunteer run libraries to libraries connected to some of the largest cultural institutions in the world."

According to Larry, in 2008 three of these libraries celebrated significant anniversaries. The American Philatelic Research Library (APRL) which is affiliated with the American Philatelic Society celebrated its fortieth anniversary. The Rocky Mountain Philatelic Library (RMPL) celebrated it 15th anniversary, and the National Postal Museum Library also celebrated its 15th anniversary.

Incidentally, Larry has accepted to edit a column on the activities of philatelic libraries in the Philatelic Literature Review, a publication of the APRL.

Larry's also got a terrific new blog called The Library History Buff. Click here to check it out.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Monday, December 22, 2008

Winners of Texas Youth Holiday Stamp Design Contest Announced

Douglas Moss, editor of The Texas Philatelist and First Vice President, Texas Philatelic Association (TPA) writes to announce the winner of the Texas Philatelic Association 20th Youth Holiday Stamp Design Contest.

For twenty years the TPA has encouraged children to design a holiday themed postage stamp. Every child who entered the contest recevies a pack of stamps. Those who win first, second or third place in their age group win additional philatelic items such as albums, catalogs, philatelic books and other stamp supplies.

The overall winner of this year's contest is Alex Gill (age 14) of West Bend, Wisconsin. His artwork (shown above) graced the cover of the November/December 2008 issue of The Texas Philatelist.

For a free PDF copy of the Texas Philatelist and to view other winners in the various age categories, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The First "Real" Christmas Stamps

Round-Up readers continue to ask,"What was the first Christmas stamp?"

Moleman on the website says, "This is a subject of much debate. Canada produced a stamp bearing the words 'Xmas 1898' in 1898. However it was not necessarily produced for Christmas.

"Denmark claims that the first Christmas stamp in the world was printed in Denmark in 1904 after an idea of postmaster Einar Holboell. He took the initiative to add an extra stamp to the Christmas mail. The money from the sale should help sick children to a better and healthier life. The stamp said 'Julen 1904' (Christmas 1904). But this seems to be more of a charity stamp.

"Many people reckon that the 1943 Hungary stamps [Scott 617-19, one of which is shown above] were the first REAL Christmas stamps depicting the Message to the Shepherds, the Nativity, and the Adoration of the Magi.

"The US didn't issue its first Christmas stamp until 1962, when the first stamp showed a Christmas wreath."

For more Christmas stamps around the world, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Origins of the word "Philately"

Recently the Oxford University Press's website selected "philately" as its word of the day.

The write-up by Charles Hodgson says, "The word 'philately' was invented by a French stamp collector named George Herpin and proposed in a French stamp collecting magazine in 1864."

"The phil- in philately is the same as in Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love, or in audiophile a lover of high end stereo equipment. The second half of the word 'philately' comes from the Greek 'ateleia' writes Hodgson.

Hodgson doesn't think the word is an apt description.

He points out, "There's an interesting contrast between the image of a bespectacled stamp collector and a revolutionary in the streets, flaming torch in hand, demanding the overthrow of the tax hungry government."

Hodgson goes on to say, "According to an 1876 edition of the magazine Philatelist, 'timbromania' was the earlier word that Herpin was attempting to oust."

Based on the French word for stamp, "Timbrophily" and "Timbrology" were also suggested.

Apparently it only took a year before the French word crossed the English Channel to show up as an English word in 1865 says Hodgson.

To read his entire piece, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Friday, December 19, 2008

The American Indian in Stamps

The National Postal Museum and the National Museum of the American Indian have worked together to create a new online exhibit on the Arago website.

Titled The American Indian in Stamps: Profiles in Leadership, Accomplishment and Cultural Celebration, the exhibit, which combines stamps and artifacts, traces the history and culture of the American Indian.

The exhibit has three major sections;

- Profiles in Leadership
- American Indian Lifeways: Restoring Economies
- American Indian Arts: Renaissance of Traditions

This and several other interesting on-line Arago philately and postal operations exhibits can be viewed by clicking here.

The site is named after Francois Arago, 19th century French scientist and friend of James Smithson, founder of the Smithsonian Institution, who believed knowledge should be shared using the technology of the day.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Online Exhibiting and FDC Courses

Gretchen Moody, director of education, at the American Philatelic Society writes to say a couple of exciting online courses are slated for early next year.

Janet Klug will be teaching Keys to Exhibiting Jan. 26 – Mar. 6, 2009.

Beginners as well as advanced collectors are invited to sign up to learn the critical steps of building a successful exhibit. Janet will cover the fun and challenges of exhibiting, with individual guidance in getting started, how to put your exhibit together, where to show, and other tips that aren't available anywhere else.

Cost: APS members $75 and non-members $105 (workbook is included)

Then More Collecting First Day Covers with Marjory Sente will be given Feb. 2 – 27, 2009. In this course, students will learn techniques for identifying many of the cachets found on classic U.S. First Day Covers and how to develop specialized FDC collections.

There's also a lesson is devoted to exhibiting your FDCs. A working knowledge of the FDC components, types of cachets, the significance of cancellations, the history of FDC collecting, and how to care for your collection is expected.

Cost: APS members $65 and non-members $90 (workbook is included).

To register for either or both courses, go to or call 814-933-3803.

It's recommended you sign up early since both classes are expected to fill quickly.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Film Features Stamp Collecting

The new film, The Reader,has two scenes in which stamps and stamp collecting are featured and which are central to the story.

Phil Kloer, movie critic for the The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, summarizes the film as follows;"Set in Germany over four decades, from 1956 to 1995, The Reader follows the relationship between Hanna (Kate Winslet) and Michael, who’s played by Ralph Fiennes as an adult and German newcomer David Kross as a youth."

Early in the film, Michael, 15, contacts scarlet fever and must stay in bed several months. During that time, he works on his stamp collection. Someone who knows about stamp collecting must helped with the scenes because he's using stock book (rather than an album) and tongs. There are also a couple closeups of neatly arranged and organized stamps much like one would find in a real collector's stockbook.

Later in the film, he sells his collection in order to finance a trip with Hanna. This time the scene is in a German stamp shop. It must have been a good collection because he was was able to sell his collection for hard cash to the crusty old dealer.

Be forewarned, this film is not for everyone. There is lots of nudity and the subject matter is somewhat controversial. Nevertheless, the film has received Golden Globe nominations for best director, best screenplay, and best supporting actress.

Shown above, actor David Kross as the young stamp collector with his stockbook.

To read Kloer's entire review, click here.

To visit the film's website and see a preview, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Busiest Mail Day of the Year

Baltimore's WJZ-TV reports millions "flooded" to post offices around the country on Monday - making it the busiest day for postal workers in the whole year.

In Baltimore City post offices they were expected to process more than 2.1 million pieces of mail according to reporter television reporter Kelly McPherson. That's double any other day of the year.

Today is the last day to mail packages at the parcel post rate.

Bill Ridenour, Baltimore's Postmaster is quoted as saying, "We'll have people coming in on Christmas Eve wanting to know how to get their Christmas presents there overnight. And there are ways, but it costs a little more."

Ridenour is encouraging customers to use the Internet.

He says, "You can mail a package, you can order stamps, you can even order a pick-up online. And if you order it priority or express online, it's actually cheaper and you get free packaging materials."

To read the entire article and to watch a video, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Monday, December 15, 2008

Tax Issues for Collectibles

Greg Rohan, president of Heritage Auction Galleries, in Dallas, is quoted in the Wall Street Journal as saying, "With collectibles like coins and stamps, the top tax bracket for long-term capital gains is 28% -- a higher rate than the 15% on long-term capital gains on securities."

According to Rohan, despite the different tax rates, you may be able to offset stock-market losses this year with gains from the sale of collectibles. But you have to be careful to order your losses and gains as specified by tax rules.

His advice: Seek help from a tax adviser to get it right.

As regards stamps specifically, Michael DuBasso, director of the nonprofit American Philatelic Foundation in Los Angeles is quoted as saying, "There are generally two categories of stamp collections: "youth-formed," or shoe-box, collections, which generally have little value, and leather-bound albums assembled by serious collectors, whose value depends on the rarity of the stamps."

He goes on to say, "If you have a shoebox collection, take it to a local dealer; 99.9% of the time they're going to say there's nothing here. In that case, give it to someone who's interested in stamp collecting."

However, Dubasso says if you are a collector with high-quality stamps worth $1,000 or more consider an in-depth appraisal which can help you figure out the best way to sell it.

You also may want to consider donating it. See IRS publications 526 on charitable contributions and 561 on valuing donated property, available at

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Stamp Values Continue to Rise

Peter Rexford writes in the Sacramento Bee,"Even as the stock market roller coaster continues and gold fluctuates, the value of collectible postage stamps continues to steadily rise."

The 2009 Scott Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps and Covers lists more than 12,000 value changes over last year – virtually all of them higher according to Peter.

He points out, "For instance, in 2007, the value of a particular 1 cent stamp of 1851 featuring Ben Franklin was an impressive $55,000. This year, the value for that same stamp is $80,000. Even more astonishing is a 5 cent stamp printed in 1858. The value for it last year was $35,000. Today, the price for that same stamp has more than doubled. It, too, is now worth $80,000."

The catalog can be found at many local libraries or purchased at a local stamp dealer or directly from the publisher.

Peter says, "The cost of the 'Scott U.S. Specialized Catalog' is $69.99. It's not cheap, but it could be money well spent if you have been meaning to look through an old stamp collection but just never got around to it."

To read the entire article, click here.

Shown above the 2009 spiral bound Scott U.S. Stamp Pocket Catalague which is available from Amos Press for $15.95 ($12.99 if you're an Amos Advantage member). This condensed version of the more expensive catalogue is also designed to be an checklist. Click here to order.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Poinsettias on Stamps

The American Philatelist on-line has an article from 2001 about poinsettias on stamps.

Written by Joan Klimchalk of Dearborn, Michagan, the article goes into the history of the plant and features quite a few stamps and other items that have the Christmas flower as part of their design.

Poinsettias were introduced into the United States by Joel Poinsett. The son of a French physician, Poinsett was appointed as the first United States Ambassador to Mexico (1825 - 1829) by President Madison. Poinsett had attended medical school himself, but his real love in the scientific field was botany.

According to Wikipedia, "In 1828, he became enchanted by the brilliant red blooms he saw in Mexico. He immediately sent some of the plants back to South Carolina, where he began propagating the plants and sending them to friends and botanical gardens."

Originally, the plant was known by its botanical name, Euphorbia pulcherrima (literally, "the most beautiful Euphorbia"). It is thought to have become known by its more popular name of poinsettia around 1836 as a tribute to Poinsett.

Poinsett when on to become Secretary of War in the Cabinet of President Van Buren 1837-1841 and presided over the removal of Indians west of the Mississippi.

According to Klimchalk, "Official recognition of Dr. Poinsett's many achievements came in 1991, when the United States Congress declared December 12 (the date of his death in 1851) National Poinsettia Day."

Shown above, a 1964 U.S. Christmas stamp featuring a poinsettia. The stamp was part of the first U.S. se-tenant set ever issued.

To read and print out a copy of the article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Friday, December 12, 2008

Presidential Inauguration Day Postmark

Jay Bigalke, Linn's online editor and Postmark Pursuit columnist, writes in the January edition of Linn's Stamp News Newsletter,"Inauguration Day postmarks are avidly sought by many collectors. Now is the time to start preparing your own covers to obtain the Jan. 20, 2009, Washington, D.C., postmark commemorating the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States."

Shown above, the Inauguration Day postmark features the eagle image from the presidential seal.

To obtain the postmark, follow these simple instructions:

1. Affix a 42¢ stamp (or a combination of stamps adding up to 42¢ or more) to any plain or decorated envelope. Most collectors use a No. 6¾ size envelope for souvenir covers.

2. Prepare a larger stamped, self-addressed reply envelope to have the cover or covers returned to you. Make sure you have enough postage on your return envelope to carry back the covers you send for postmarking.

3. Mail the envelopes from Step one and Step two together inside one larger envelope to this address:

PO BOX 92282
WASHINGTON DC 20090-2282

Your request must be postmarked no later than Feb. 19.

For more on this story, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Retired Casino Dealer Hits Philatelic Jackpot

Columnist John L. Smith of the Las Vegas Review Journal reports when casino dealer Denny Moreau retired, he renewed his interest in stamp collecting.

Going through some of his old stuff, Denny found a small box that he had purchased for $7.50 from a friend many years before.

Inside were lots of ordinary "2-cent reds" plus one that was out of the ordinary - it had a Schermack type III perforation. On closer inspection, Denny believed it to be the quite rare 1920, 482A, 2-cent deep rose of which only 40 are known to exist.

However, Denny doubted that he could be so lucky. So he put the stamp away. But after thinking about it, he decided to send it to the Philatelic Foundation just to make sure.

"He received a letter essentially informing him the stamp wasn't worth much more than the paper it was printed on," writes Smith.

Undeterred, Denny wrote back asking for an appeal. He then received another registered letter from the foundation. Its new opinion: The stamp was genuine.

Denny is quoted as saying, "I just jumped to my feet. I couldn't believe it. I was running around the house screaming, saying, 'I can't believe it,' for two hours."

When he decided to sell at auction, the stamp's opening price was $55,000. It sold for $95,000.

BTW - One correction in the story, Denny has been a life member of the American Philatelic Society since 1973... not the non-existent National Philatelic Society mentioned in the article.

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Stamps of the Philippines

The Filipino Journal reports a new book, Stamps of the Philippines: Historical and Topical Collections 1854-2004 by Dr. Mina Gabor, is now available.

The making of Stamps of the Philippines began in 1999, although the idea was born in 1986, when author Dr. Mina T. Gabor took out her late grandfather’s stamp collection from the bank vault for cleaning and review.

According to the article, "Its completion took eight years of extensive research, poring over an estimated 4,000 individual issues and posted letters, trips abroad to hunt out the earliest stamps valued at thousands of dollars in such hidey-holes as the vaults of Museo de Madrid, and members of her team consulting around 20 expert philatelists."

The resulting book now provides a definitive categorization of Philippine stamps, using the historical periods - the Spanish Dominion, Aguinaldo Revolutionary Government, American Administration, Commonwealth Period, Japanese occupation and succeeding Victory Period, and the Philippine Republic.

For more information,contact Molave Publishing at The cost is $149.00 plus mailing and handling.

Shown above, Dr. Mina Gabor signs a distribution agreement with Molave Publishing Company Inc., publishers of the Filipino Journal to sell and distribute her new book commemorating the hisrtory of Philippine postage stamps.

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Nun's Collection Features The Madonna and Christmas

Chicago Daily Herald columnist Joan Broz says Sister DePaul Stava "is practically effervescent when talking about her life-long interest in collecting stamps."

According to Broz, "Each stamp to her is a lesson in art, customs, currency and history. She is enthusiastic, knowledgeable and organized with her extensive stamp collection, and excited to share some favorite Christmas stamps with readers."

Sister DePaul began collecting stamps while a student. A secretary in the school office kept a small box of stamps at her desk and allowed children to select a favorite as a small reward.

"For a number of years, while Stava completed her studies and professed her vows as a religious nun, the small journal sat dormant. Then in 1954 when the Catholic Church celebrated the Marion Year, a number of stamps that depicted the Madonna re-energized her interest in stamps," writes Broz.

Today Sister DePaul has at least 1,000 first-day issues featuring the Madonna and includes many Christmas stamps and covers that are are postmarked with holiday-themed names like Santa Claus and Bethlehem, Ind.; North Pole, Alaska, Colorado or New York; Christmas, Fla., Mich., or Christmas Valley, Ore.; Noel, Mo.; Holly, Mich., and Silver Bell, Ariz.

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Monday, December 08, 2008

Holiday Mail for Service Men and Women

This holiday take a moment and consider the men and women that do not have family to send cards and the like. Even those that do would appreciate a few extra while away from those they love during the holidays.

Below are a few links that you can use to send a greeting or something else to service members around the globe letting them know they still have our thoughts and prayers.


Let Us Say Thanks

Holiday Mail For Heroes
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Pearl Harbor Remembered

"The 150 volumes of Larry Quadrato's stamp collection are organized like an encyclopedia of world history and geography," writes reporter Hoyt Elkins of the California Union Democrat.

When asked by Elkins what material he had related to the attack on Pearl Harbor, Larry brought out stamps from the Philippines, Malaya, and other island strongholds which fell to the Japanese in the late 1930s and early 1940s as the United States entered World War II.

Larry also has collection that includes postmarks from virtually every ship that was anchored at Pearl Harbor when the bombing began. He also has personal letters from crew members who were stationed in Hawaii before and after the attack that took place 67 years ago - today.

Larry began collecting stamps in 1994 after his father died and left him a small collection.

"I've improved it greatly since I got it," he boasts with a smile.

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Exhibition Marks 64th Anniversary of the Vietnamese Army

A stamp exhibition themed “The Party, Uncle Ho and Vietnam People’s Army” is being held in Ho Chi Minh City to mark the 64th founding anniversary of the People’s Army according to a post on the VietnamNet website.

On display are 33 collections with more than 8,000 stamps, postcards, and others objects belonging to 28 philatelists.

Included rare stamps like the collection themed "Stamps of the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam and Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam", a series on President Ho Chi Minh’s life and career, and another on the struggles in the South.

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Friday, December 05, 2008

How About a U.S. Stamp For Baseball Great Ted Williams?

Bruce Donahue, president of the BoSox Club (The Official Booster Organization of the Boston Red Sox) writes to say the group has been working six years on the task of getting the U.S. Post Office to issue a stamp in honor of baseball great Ted Williams.

Bruce says, "Having served in two wars and having achieved the admiration of many Americans, we feel that Ted should be honored as a great man for his work in the U.S. Marines, the Jimmy Fund and his induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame."

Bruce is asking Round-Up readers to ask their friends, relatives, working associates, politicians and anybody they can think can to help them out. According to Bruce the Bosox Club has the support of the Williams family and the Boston Red Sox.

On their website is a link to a petition requesting a U.S. postage stamp for Williams. There is also a sample letter that can be sent to the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee requesting their consideration and recommendation.

Shown above is a 1989 Ted Williams stamp on a first day cover from St. Vincent.

For more information, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Mail Carrier Does the Right Thing

WZZM-TV in West Michagan reports, "When he found a bag full of lost money on the ground, Grand Rapids mail carrier Mike Wisneski says he did what anyone would do - he turned it in so it could be returned to the owner."

The postal worker (shown above) found the money along a sidewalk at at a hospital in Grand Rapids.

"I picked it up, unzipped it and looked inside," he recalls. "I said, 'Oh boy, that's full of money.' Then I zipped it closed."

A Subway store employee was taking the money to the bank after he delivered some take out food.

"Mailman Mike," as he's called, says keeping the money was never an option.

"I might have thought of things I could have bought with it afterward but, no, I never thought of keeping it," he says.

Mike Wisneski has been delivering the mail for 22 years and he says he's a little embarrassed by all of the attention he's getting.

To read the entire article and to watch a video, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Town Uses Special Stamp To Mark Envelopes

An annual holiday tradition is under way at the post office in the small New Hampshire town of Bethlehem according to a local television station -WMUR-TV. Each year thousands of people travel to Bethlehem to have their Christmas cards stamped.

The station reports on their website, "The cache [sic] stamp, as it's called, was created by the postmaster in the mid-1960s and hasn't changed since. It illustrates a typical Bethlehem, N.H., scene, with Christmas trees pointing up toward a star."

A local postal workers are quoted as saying about 50,000 Christmas cards will be stamped in the Bethlehem (pop.2000) post office this year - with both a hand cancel and an antique cancelling machine.

To read the entire article and to watch a video, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Malaysian Stamps Honor Cartoonist

According to the New Straits Times, Malaysia will kick off its annual stamp week with a set of stamps based on a book Kampung Boy by cartoonistDatuk Mohamed Nor Khalid (or Lat as he is widely known).

Pos Malaysia Group Berhad chief executive officer and managing director Datuk Syed Faisal Albar is quoted as saying Lat was a national icon and that ""Cartoons are an art form used to communicate views of the Malaysian public and Lat's work is meaningful as he is able to transcend race and religion."
Shown above, Datuk Mohamed Nor Khalid, or Lat, showing off the new Malaysian cartoon stamps which are also pictured.

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Monday, December 01, 2008

Collectors Stuck on Rare Stamps

The Detroit Free News reports, "While financial markets continue to fall, rare stamps are becoming a hot commodity among the upper crust."

According to reporter Kimberly Lifton, "Last month, a Midwestern banker auctioned a single 1868 George Washington B-grill 3-cent stamp to an anonymous bidder for more than $1 million -- four times its book value. Only four copies of the B-grill stamp are known to exist."

New York's Siegel Auction Galleries President Scott Trepel is quoted in the article as saying, ""Collectors who want rare stamps don't seem fazed by the chaos in the financial markets."

Shown above, 1868 three-cent B-grill U.S. stamp that sold for $1.03 million at auction in New York.

To read the entire article, click here.

Click here for a related story that appears on the website about a stamp auction in Switzerland where stocks have fallen 33 percent this year.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

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