Thursday, May 31, 2012

Foot Heaters Helped Rural Letter Carriers to Keep Warm

Nancy Pope, National Postal Museum historian and curator, writes on the museum's Pushing The Envelope blog about foot heaters that were once used by rural letter carriers to keep warm.

Pope pens, "From the first days of the service, America’s rural letter carriers have been responsible for providing their own transportation to make their daily rounds. In cold winter months, carriers turned to small metal heaters to keep warm on their route. The side drawer could be opened and packed with hot coals to keep the heater operational. When new, the heater would have been covered with carpet fabric. Those riding in wagons equipped with such heaters could rest their feet in warmth and comfort during the journey."

Shown above, advertisement for carriage heater with drawing of rural delivery carrier. Click on picture to enlarge. 

To learn more, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

USPS Commemorative Panels

The Stamp Professor writes on his website, "The first USPS Commemorative Panel was issued September 20, 1972 for the 8c Wildlife Issue Block of 4 (Scott #1464-67). Since then, over 700 different panels have been produced, one for almost every commemorative stamp for over 30 years."

He goes on to say, "Usually, a panel will bear two or three engravings, more or less related to the subject of the stamps. Most of the engravings are great art work. Along, with these engravings is a text that provides an interesting insight into the stamp's subject. There, is often information about the subject that will be not be found from any other philatelic source. The 8-1/2 x 11-1/4 inch panels are a great addition to a specialized collection. Many are attractively framed and on the walls, of CPAs, War Veterans, and Sports and Animal lovers. 

"The Panels are printed on quality heavy white paper stock. The stamps or sheets are mounted in plastic mounts (such as Showgards) to maintain their mint never hinged condition. The Panels are distributed by the USPS in protective sleeves. The sleeve consist of a light cardboard backing and a plastic cover that is usually but not always sealed. Some collectors prefer their panels with the sleeve sealed or in the original condition. Others remove the sleeve for the neat mounting the Panel in an album or frame."

For a comprehensive listing, photos and price list for US Commemorative panels, click here.  
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Finding Serenity in Stamps

Columnist David Warren writes on Canada's Ottawa Citizen website about serenity and stamp collecting.

Warren defines serenity as being “calm, clear, untroubled.” A collector himself, he says that stamp collecting, which "be done without a cell phone," creates that inner environment.

After pointing out how his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather enjoyed collecting stamps, Warren pens, "I inherited a lot of stamps, together with fond childhood memories of experiences and companionships predicated upon them. A great disordered mass found its way into boxes in the back of a closet, and then last year, out of the ridiculous notion that something must be done about them, I was hooked back, into a second childhood."

Calling stamps "exquisite, miniature works of art," Warren says he is repulsed "at too-numerous 'topical' stamps, in glib sets, printed on glossy, unwatermarked paper, by cheap processes of photo-lithography that reduce every composition to a mechanical array of dots, or pixels."

He then goes on to talk about his admiration for stamp engravers such as Czeslaw Slania saying, "The techniques involved in serious steel engraving — the skill, patience, and quality of attention that is required — will in themselves create a man [or woman citing Barbara Kowalska] of character."

Shown above, 1979 Buddha stamp from France.

To read the entire column, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Has Its Roots in the Civil War

National Geographic News reports, "Every year Memorial Day brings people together in the United States to honor fallen service members on the last Monday in May. Since its post-Civil War beginnings, the holiday has changed considerably and now may be best known as the start of summer vacation season—prompting some critics to call for moving the date away from a three-day weekend.

Reporter Brian Handwerk writes, "Unlike Veterans Day on November 11, which honors all who have served their country, Memorial Day is set aside for special remembrance of those who laid down their lives for U.S. national defense. Despite the modern spirit of patriotic camaraderie, Memorial Day has its roots in one of the most divisive events in U.S. history: the Civil War."

He goes on to say, "Soon after the bloody conflict ceased, General John A. Logan—commander in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of Union veterans—called for a holiday to be observed every year on May 30.At the time, that holiday was known as Decoration Day, because Logan wanted to honor the fallen by 'strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating, the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion."

The first national Memorial Day holiday, designated by Congress, was held in 1971.

Shown above, Decoration Day postcards circa 1866.

For more on this story, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Peculiar Postage - Unusual Stamps from Around the World

For a look at some of the more peculiar, quite unusual, slightly odd and downright weird postage stamps from around the world, click here.

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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lime Scented Stamps

The Star Online reports, "Stamp collectors who buy the new miniature sheet from Pos Malaysia's limited edition Aromatic Plants stamp series are in for a pleasant lime scent treat. Produced in the Netherlands, the sheet is the first of its kind in Malaysia and will give out a whiff of kaffir lime leaves when rubbed."
Pos Malaysia's Stamp and Philately head Yasmin Ramli is quoted in the article as saying the collection features three aromatic plants kaffir lime on the RM5 sheet, peppermint on the RM1 stamp and kesum leaves on the 60 sen stamp set. However, only the RM5 sheet featuring the kaffir lime is printed as an aromatic sheet.
Shown above, Pos Malaysia employee Nurul Azreen Razali showing the limited edition Aromatic Plants stamp series

To learn more, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Friday, May 25, 2012

Celebrate Memorial Day Weekend with Patriotic Covers

Janet Klug writes on the Linn's Stamp News website, "With Memorial Day approaching, this article is dedicated to all members of the armed forces who served our country and sent and received patriotic covers during their time of service.

In her "Refresher Course" article, Klug pens, "The encouragement and pride shown in the covers that emanated during World War II were, with notable exceptions, upbeat and positive. Some were poignant, some were funny, and some would be considered politically incorrect in today's world.All of these are collectable and reflect the mood of the times. They are history you can hold in your hands, and are still surprisingly affordable. Many of the people who had been creating cacheted first-day covers prior to World War II turned their attention to patriotic themes during the war."

She goes on to say, "Collecting World War II patriotic covers can be complicated because of the sheer number of cachetmakers who were producing them and the variety of subjects shown on the covers. The good news is that there is a catalog that lists and describes in detail more than 11,000 different World War II patriotic covers.The book is titled United States Patriotic Envelopes of World War II by Lawrence Sherman. Check with your favorite philatelic literature dealer to find a copy."

To read her entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Thursday, May 24, 2012

'Delivered By Royal Mail' Postmark To Be Used on Letters

Alan Jones of Britain's Independent reports, "A new 'Delivered By Royal Mail' postmark is to be stamped on letters and other items to distinguish post delivered by the group and its competitors."

He goes on to say, "The company announced it will introduce the new mark to most of the 15 billion letters and parcels carried by the business every year, saying it is important that customers know the difference between post delivered by Royal Mail and its competitors."

According to Jones, "The move followed a survey of more than 1,000 people, which showed that almost four out of five would welcome clarity on which company delivered which item of mail to avoid confusion."

The change will start next month.

For more on this story, click here
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Goofy! 80 Years Young!

According to the Disney Insider website, "May 25 is an auspicious date because way back in 1932, a little cartoon appeared in America's movie theaters called 'Mickey's Revue.' It starred the already well-known and beloved Mickey Mouse, but there was an unfamiliar face in the audience watching Mickey. That face had long droopy ears, a protruding tooth, and looked, frankly ... goofy. Although he was originally known as Dippy Dawg, he came to be called Goofy and has been delighting audiences ever since. Whether we need a handy tutorial on how (not!) to ski or dance, or just a quick laugh, Goofy's our guy."

Happy 80th big fella!

To see Goofy and his pals on various postage stamps from around the world, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Stamp Merit Badge Power Point Presentation Available

Facebook friend Aimee Poitevin Devine writes to say, "The Wisconsin Federation of Stamp Clubs has a Boy Scout stamp collecting merit badge PowerPoint presentation available on its website. It follows, in order, the requirements from the merit badge book."

Based on material from Brian Jones and Carol Edholm, the 109 page, color presentation (which is also downloadable as a pdf) is filled with interesting stamps and text.

While designed primarily for use with Boy Scout groups, it's a great tool to help teach anyone - young and old - the basics of the hobby.

Shown above, the Boy Scout Stamp Collecting Merit Badge.

To take a look, click here.

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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Monday, May 21, 2012

Dog Bite Prevention Week

Today marks the first day in National Dog Bite Prevention Week. 
Did you know that of the 4.7 million Americans bitten by dogs annually, more than half are children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The U.S. Postal Service, the medical community, veterinarians and the insurance industry are working together to educate the public that dog bites are avoidable. 
Mark Anderson, postmaster of Los Angeles, where 83 of nearly 5,600 postal employees nationwide were attacked last year is quoted in a USPS press release as saying,"Don’t worry — my dog won’t bite’ is often heard by our letter carriers before they’re attacked. Given the right circumstances, any dog can attack. Dog attacks are a nationwide issue and not just a postal problem. Working with animal behavior experts, we’ve developed tips to avoid dog attacks, and for dog owners, tips for practicing responsible pet ownership.”

The Postal Service, along with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP); the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (ASRM); the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA); the Insurance Information Institute (III); and Prevent The Bite (PTB); are driving home the message that dog bites are a nationwide issue and that education can help prevent dog attacks to people of all ages.

To learn how to train dogs to stop biting, click here.

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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hotels on Stamps

Reporter Alysia Gray Painter writes on the NBC Bay Area website, "A lot of people who oversee hotels are forever thinking about ways to get the word out about their properties. Advertising?  Deals? All of the above? There are many solid paths to connecting with customers. But here's a novel one: Be on a stamp."
She goes on to pen, "Of course, getting on that stamp may take some time and some luck. And your hotel may share the small rectangle with a famous director and the cinema history's most celebrated sex symbol, which are both pluses in our book." 
This week, San Diego's Hotel del Coronado will appear (along with Marilyn Monroe) on the new USPS stamp saluting legendary film director Billy Wilder.
According to Wikipedia, "Hotel del Coronado (also known as The Del and Hotel del) is a beachfront luxury hotel in the city of Coronado, just across the San Diego Bay from San Diego, California. It is one of the few surviving examples of an American architectural genre: the wooden Victorian beach resort. It is one of the oldest and largest all-wooden buildings in California and was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1977, and is a designated California Historical Landmark.When it opened in 1888, it was the largest resort hotel in the world. It has hosted presidents, royalty, and celebrities through the years."
The hotel has been featured in numerous movies and books in including the screwball comedy Some Like It Hot. Wilder directed the film in 1958. Monroe starred along with Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis.
For more on the Hotel del Coronado, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Happy Armed Forces Day!

President Harry S. Truman led the effort to establish a single holiday for citizens to come together and thank our military members for their patriotic service in support of our country.

On August 31, 1949, Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson announced the creation of an Armed Forces Day to replace separate Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force Days. The single day celebration stemmed from the unification of the Armed Forces under the Department of Defense. 

Click here to visit Steven L.Ossad's Military History Depicted in US Postage Stamps website for a philatelic salute to our men and women in uniform.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Friday, May 18, 2012

Calgary Stampede Stamps Feature "Augmented Reality"

Canada's Calgary Herald reports, "To mark this year's centennial of the Calgary Stampede, Canada Post has unveiled two commemorative stamps. Both stamps, featuring a rodeo horse and a silver and gold belt buckle, were designed by Calgary graphic artist Xerxes Irani - who admits he broke down and cried uopn learning his designs had been chosen."

“It’s amazing for a designer to see his work reprinted millions of times,” Irani says of the estimated four million Stampede stamps that are now on sale in post offices and through Canada Post.

Canada Post’s Genevieve Latour is quoted in the article by Valerie Fortney as saying, "One unique feature of the Stampede stamp is that it comes complete with what is called 'Augmented Reality'; it’s the first time that owners of smart phones or tablets can download a corresponding app, which in this case includes a barrel race and interactive experience with a horse.

Shown above, Xerxes Irani and the stamps he designed.

To read the entire article and watch a video about Canada's first "augmented reality" stamps, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Royal Mail Makes a Philatelic Fashion Statement

Georgia Bobley writes on the Guest of a Guest website, "Between the Royal Wedding, the Queen's Jubilee, and the upcoming Olympics, it's been a big year for Great Britain. With so much international focus on the country, English fashion has been thrown into the spotlight -- and now it's being displayed on stamps."

Britain's Royal Mail has launched a line of stamps honoring England's top 10 fashion houses, including Alexander Wang, Vivienne Westwood, and Paul Smith.

According to Bobley, "The stamps, which were designed by London-based graphic designer Johnson Banks and shot by Solve Sundsbo, were created by photographing live models wearing the designers' clothing and later removing the models from the image."

In a related story on the Fibre 2 Fashion website, it's being reported, "When shooting the outfits that appear on the stamps Sølve Sundsbø worked with live models, but did not use their facial features, to allow the designs to speak for themselves. The shoot lasted two days, and relied on the use of the actual original clothes – either obtained directly from the designers or meticulously sourced from specialist vintage fashion stores. "

Click here for more information.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Passion for Philately

Minneapolis stamp collector Gary Haas and Fresno, Calif., stamp dealer Gary Deitz are featured in an article by Rick Bentley of the McClatchy Newspapers.

Bentley writes, "Gary Haas squeezes between a pair of ceiling-high book cases, arranged to create a small office area and a central location for his stamp collecting hobby.Haas' passion for collecting is evident. Most of the shelves are filled with volumes and volumes of stamps, categorized by date, country, color and subject matter.

He goes on to say, "The collection is so massive that Haas has no idea of the total. It's the accumulation of more than 40 years of collecting, which started when Haas received a stamp collecting starter set for Christmas when he was 8 years old."

Haas is quoted as saying, "In the 1970s, I got a stamp collecting merit badge through the Boy Scouts, where I learned some of the basics of stamp collecting.I started going to stamp shows about six times a year. It's a slow learning process."

Deitz, who turned his 65-year-old hobby into a business, says he'd like to see more people like Haas.

"I got started collecting when there were no TVs or video games, " Deitz says. "Back then maybe 1 in 10 kids collected stamps. Now it's maybe 1 in 1,000."

To read the entire article, click here.

Read more here:

Read more here: is quoted in the article as saying, ""In the 1970s, I got a stamp collecting merit badge through the Boy Scouts, where I learned some of the basics of stamp collecting. I started going to stamp shows about six times a year. It's a slow learning process."

Read more here:
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

From a Post Office Far, Far Away

Erin Blasco posts on the National Postal Museum's blog, Pushing The Envelope, "A stamp marked 'Magyar Posta' is from Hungary. 'Deutsche Post' is from Germany. But stamps purporting to be from Tatooine or Alderaan, fictional planets from the Star Wars saga, are pure fantasy. That didn’t stop London-based graphic artist Stefan van Zoggel from creating postage stamps from the high tech world of droids and the Millennium Falcon. He even designed a fictional postmark featuring R2-D2 as postmaster general."

Blasco goes on to say the US Postal Service has issued its own Star Wars stamps, "although they're probably not enough postage to be used on interplanetary mail."

Blasco would like to know, "What fictional world do you think should get its own postage stamps next? Stamps inspired by "Lord of the Rings" for the sending of postcards between Minas Tirith and Pelennor Fields? Narnia? And how about postal service between the Twelve Colonies of "Battlestar Galactica?" And who would you appoint postmaster general?"

Click here to voice your opinion. 

To view more Star War cinderellas as shown above, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:51 AM

Monday, May 14, 2012

Blind British Photographer Takes Photo for "UK A-Z" Stamp Sheet

U.K.'s Leicester Mercury reports a picture taken by a photographer who is visually impaired is on the "UK A-Z" stamps sheet

According to the article, Brian Negus, 65, who is legally blind, took the photo last year while on a trip to Belfast. He then posted it on the image sharing website Flickr, not thinking anyone would show much interest.

Well, they did.

About seven months later he was contacted by the Royal Mail to ask if they could use the shot and offered him £200. Negus, who is chairman of the Leicester sight loss charity Vista, donated the money to the organization.

Negus said he took up photography in 2000 after camera companies began putting large LCD screens on their digital SLR cameras. He uses the screen and a magnifying lens on one eye which enables him to see the image.

He's quoted as saying, "Before digital cameras I wasn't able to take photographs but now I'm hooked. I can't use the viewfinder, so the LCD screens are perfect. I still need a lens which magnifies the screen 12 times."

Shown above, UK A-Z stamps sheet. Negus' photo appears in the lower right hand corner.

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

2009 Mother Day's stamps issued by Turkey.

For a history of Mother's Day on stamps, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Saturday, May 12, 2012

'Servicio Sanitario' Stamps

Stamp columnist John Weigle writes on California's Ventura County Star website, "The current issue of The American Revenuer, the magazine of the American Revenue Association, reports on two German towns that are issuing revenue stamps to show a tax levied on street walking prostitutes has been paid."

According to Weigle, "The magazine says that Bonn and Dortmund issued the stamps for prostitutes who walk the streets rather than work in brothels or sauna clubs, where it's easier to collect the taxes."

"The article doesn't say," Weigle writes, "but I suppose stamp collectors who wanted samples for their collections could buy the tickets if they visited the cities, but I'm not sure what spouses might think of the idea."

Apparently this is not a new idea and several other countries around the world have issued similar revenue stamps in the past.

Shown above a 1920 Argentine servicio sanitario (medical service) stamp that was pasted into the prostitute's libreta sanitaria (medical booklet) and cancelled in a way that showed the result of the exam.

For more on this, click here.

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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Friday, May 11, 2012

Handbag Designer Uses Stamps in Her New Creations

Reporter Olivia Alabaster writes on the Daily Star website, "Drawing inspiration from her stamp collection, handbag designer Astrid Honein used images of vintage Lebanese stamps in her latest offering. 'Greetings from Lebanon' marks Honein’s sixth collection, but the first to be exhibited publicly.

Alabaster goes on to pen, "The vintage stamps, from the ’50s and ’60s, which depict the cedar tree, or cherries, also feature on a range of loose-fitting cotton T-shirts ($45), which would go perfectly with denim shorts for the beach, or could even be dressed up with trousers and high heels."

Honein is quoted in the piece as saying, "“I really loved this image from the stamps, and I’ve just been obsessed with using it in my work."
To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Letters - The New E-mails

The Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History believes letters are the new e-mails. That's the theme for this year's Annual Letter Writing Day on Sunday, May 20.

Recipients who received an e-mailed announcement about the event were asked, "When was the last time you wrote or received a personal letter?  Do you have some letters that you have saved because they are special to you?  Do your children ever write a letter rather than sending an email?  Are you just tired of receiving and answering emails?"

It goes to say, "Children's book author and illustrator Jennifer Morris will read from her book about sending a letter, demonstrate how she illustrates books and show pictures of her studio. In addition, she will help both children and adults create illustrated stationery and envelopes to use to send letters to friends."

In addition, visitors are being asked to share their personal stories about favorite letters they have received and even encouraged to bring some of these to the program. 

Museum Education Director Henry Lukas is quoted as saying "People should bring their friends' mailing addresses to send their letters.  The Museum will pay the postage." He added, "people will use a stamp rather than hit the send button."

For more information, click here.

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posted by Don Schilling at 12:00 AM

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Collection Goes Into the Guinness Book of World Records

India's Bangalore Mirror reports a philatelist and naturalist Daniel Monteiro, 50, from Bramhavar in Udupi district, who specialises in bird philately, has entered the Guinness Book of World Records for his unique collection of 4,911 stamps on birds from 263 countries.

According to the article by Deepthi Shridhar, in 2011, Monteiro had entered the Limca Book of Records for his rare collection of stamps on ducks and for securing 10 international awards. He has about 1,000 stamps on water fowls and claims it to be the largest collection of its kind in Asia.

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:00 AM

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Get Ready For Summer!

Hey guys! If you're looking for a pair of philatelic shorts to impress your stamp club buddies...Sears has them!

These colorful swimming trunks (which double as walking shorts) feature whimsical Hawaiian postcards, Hulu girls and Honolulu cancellations in their design.

Made by Trader Bay, they can be purchased for just $14.99 (normally $30) at your nearest Sears store or on line by clicking here.

Hurry! Sale ends May 12!

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posted by Don Schilling at 12:00 AM

Monday, May 07, 2012

Keeper of The Queen's Stamps Visits Bermuda

Bermuda's reports,"Mr [Micahel] Sefi, the official Keeper of the Queen’s stamps, was recently in Bermuda to oversee some of the Queen’s most valuable stamps that were briefly on display in a special exhibition at the Masterworks Museum in the Botanical Gardens.

The stamps were part of an existing exhibition at Masterworks commemorating the 200th anniversary of Bermuda’s Post Office.

Reporter Jessie Moniz pens, "In today’s world of flashy technology, few children have the patience for stamp collecting, but when Mr Sefi was a boy, stamp collecting was all the rage. It was the height of excitement to pour over the little slips of paper depicting the faraway countries they came from."

According to the article, "Mr Sefi worked in the finance industry for many years, before taking early retirement. He eventually became President of the Great Britain Philatelic Society and was on the council of the Royal Philatelic Society. He also helped with several stamp exhibitions organised in London. Meanwhile, Charles Goodwin, who was then Keeper of the Queen’s stamps, asked him if he wanted to help with the Queen’s collection, and he agreed. Then Mr Goodwin fell ill unexpectedly and had to retire and Mr Sefi stepped in."

"Mr Sefi’s job involves administering the collection, logging and filing new acquisitions, conservation work and also dealing with researchers. He has also accompanied parts of the collection to various parts of the world to oversee exhibitions," writes Moniz.

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:00 AM

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Sir Paul Smith - Stamp Designer

The Japan Times features an article about Sir Paul Smith whose "creations are more commonly found paraded on fashion catwalks or on hangers in boutiques around the world" rather than on postage stamps.

The British designer has now added to his portfolio the seven stamps shown above which he created for the Isle of Man Post Office to mark this summer's London Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Smith is quoted in a recent interview as saying, ""l looked at posters and artwork from previous Olympics and realized I wanted the stamps to be positive, powerful, colorful and, above all, optimistic."

Reporter Danielle Demetriou points out, "The apparent simplicity of the diminutive designs, however, belies a string of challenges posed by the fact that stamp design is strictly governed by rules and regulations."

"Actually the job was quite huge and I worked on the project for about a year," Smith explained. "Because stamps are governed by law, you have to incorporate certain things: the Queen's head in certain size, the Olympic logo, the price. And then, in addition to those restrains (rules), stamps are very collectable, so I had to design gift sets and collectors' items."

To read entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:00 AM

Saturday, May 05, 2012

George Bernard Shaw - Stamp Collector

According toWikitelic, a new philatelic Facebook page that says it is "A fun place for stamp collectors to share information, ideas, resources as well as show and tells," Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) was a stamp collector.

The site says Shaw was once quoted as saying, "“Words are only postage stamps delivering the object for you to unwrap.”

My Fair Lady was adapted by Lerner and Loewe from George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion.  

Shown above, George Bernard Shaw working on his stamp collection.

To visit Wikitelic, click here
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:00 AM

Friday, May 04, 2012

I Really Don't Want to See Your Collection, Thank You

Columnist Adrian Chamberlain writes on Canada's Times Colonist website, "You have a friend whose hobby is stamp collecting. And he (because it will be a he) is keen to show you his collection. In a perfect world, you could say: 'I couldn't care less about tiny bits of paper once attached to that archaic form of communication known as the 'letter'. So please shut up and never raise the subject again."

According to Chamberlain, "And in this perfect world, your friend would understand. He would offer a humble apology and suggest a refreshing trip to the pub."

He goes on to pen, "But I've found such discourse doesn't wash in polite society. People label these kinds of remarks as 'rude,' 'inappropriate" and 'evidence of being socially maladjusted.' So you have no choice but to nod your head politely while your friend repeatedly uses the word  'philately' and goes on and on about his 1859 Canadian beaver stamp."

To read his entire column, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:00 AM

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Philatelic Knitted Illusion

In honor of the Queen's Jubilee, British textile artists Steve Plummer and Pat Ashforth have created an interesting work of art featuring a Machin 1st class stamp that has the Queen's head mysteriously appearing out of nowhere when you walk by it.

Called "illusion knitting," the piece measures approximately 32 inches high by 27 inches wide and is one in a series of using a special knitting technique.

According to a write-up on the website, "These knitted panels are primarily intended to be used as pictures, hanging on the wall. View them from immediately in front and you will see nothing but stripes; view them from an angle and the picture will be revealed. Some are intended to be viewed from below, others from the side."

To view, click on above.

To see others in the series, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:00 AM

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

APS Mystery Contest Stamp Contest

Can you identify the American Philatelic Society "Mystery Stamp" shown above?

If so, e-mail the Stamp Collecting Roundup at with the name of  the country and Scott Catalogue number.

The first and 101st persons to correctly identify the stamp will win a beautiful commemorative "presentation pack" provided courtesy of Royal Mail.

Last month's mystery stamp was correctly identified by Mr. Chitturi Vamsi (who lives in India) as Georgia B3 which was overprinted for famine relief .

Congratulations Chitturi!
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:00 AM

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Help Postal Service to Stamp Out Hunger on May 12

Media across the country are reporting that on Saturday, May 12, the U.S. Postal Service will team up with its letter carriers to conduct the annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive across the nation to collect food donations to provide assistance to the millions of Americans who are struggling with hunger each and every day.

According to Pennsylvania's Youngstown News, "Celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, the Stamp Out Hunger food drive is the nation’s largest single-day food drive, having collected more than one billion pounds of food since its inception in 1993. In 2011, generous Americans donated 70.2 million pounds of food, which marked the eighth consecutive year that at least 70 million pounds were collected."

Examples of non-perishable items that are being sought include:
Canned soup
Canned meats and fish
Canned vegetables, fruits and juices
Boxed goods (such as cereal)
Pasta and rice

David Van Allen, Corporate Communications USPS,Cleveland is quoted in the article as saying, "Helping Stamp Out Hunger is as easy as checking your mailbox. Just leave a bag of non-perishable food where your letter carrier normally delivers your mail on Saturday, May 12. Your letter carrier will then pick up and deliver the food to a local food bank."

For more on this story, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 7:29 AM

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